It All Started In 1995...
Canyon Raft Company
Owned And Operated By Blair Craig and Lynn Muller...
Incorporated April 20th 1995, we have been running the Elk and Bull Rivers ever since, and they remain just as wild and remote as when we first fell in love with them.
We provide the highest quality equipment and professional guides, all licensed with the BCROA, who maintain the highest standards of safety in the country. We are trained in first aid and swift water rescue, and also have extensive knowledge of the Fernie area rivers, their geology and the history of our backyard.
What really sets Canyon Raft Company apart? Our staff being known for their passionate and fun approach to river running! We enjoy sharing our love of the river with our clients and feel privileged to be out on the river every day!

The B-man is our chief.
He leads the trip, drives the bus, does the dishes and the laundry. Most notably he is the pioneer of commercial rafting on the Elk River. Originally from Saskatchewan, Blair moved west for the mountain lifestyle early in life. Originally guiding on the Kicking Horse River in Golden, he first rafted the Elk in ’85. Ten years later in 1995 he started the Canyon Raft Company with his partner in crime, Lynn Muller. Blair fills his winter skiing and working at Fernie Alpine Resort. Blair likes roller blading, hockey, and the Flames of course!

Lynn started Canyon Raft Company in 1995. With her partner, Blair she moved from rafting on the Kicking Horse river to the Elk river and embraced life in Fernie. You can meet Lynn most Sundays at the market in Rotary park throughout the summer. Lynn’s fitness is an inspiration. She keeps active year round, biking, swimming, hiking, paddling, cross country skiing, and alpine skiing. Her spirit animal is the hummingbird.
Lynn’s excitement is contagious, and she is well known around town for always being excited about everything, but especially anything to do with the river. If you get lucky enough to be in Lynn’s raft for the day, don’t forget to ask her about her part in the 1994 hit movie, The River Wild.

Mylo is our 4 legged guide in training. With is big paws and even bigger heart he has fit in well with the team. When he’s not helping out with your rescue on the river, he is making sure our shuttle drivers are well entertained, and he knows that there is always atleast one more stick that could be thrown for him into the river. He is sometimes shy, but don’t be afraid to ask one of the guides for a few snacks to help with getting to know him!

Raised in a rafting family on the Ottawa River, Ethan is our combination Guide/Photographer/Safety Kayaker/Story Teller and anything else we can get him to do. If there’s one thing he’s always good for, it’s another adventure to create said stories as he’s mostly lost in the mountains on another mission. With more experience than you might guess, it will be up to you to decide which of the stories are true, or, well, river tales

One of the top in his class, Brad left the bustle of North Van after getting sick of his dress-shop modelling career to dominate the exciting MAST Program. Known for his skills on the ice, hockey wasn’t the only thing he excelled in… Paddling in Ontario, driving snow cats at FAR, coastal ski patrol, and now a Raft Guide here at Canyon Raft. With his bubbly attitude and love of the mountains, he’s sure to bring a smile on your face.

If you get to meet this awesome Lady you will be happily greeted with an accented collage of life stories that sound like fairytales. Sinead has travel across the lands and ended up here in Fernie with her partner Max to explore what the Elk Valley has to offer. Guide, fish, heavy machinery, Sinead is action packed and adventure ready to bring a beautiful Irish touch to your memories.

Legend has it, Max is a long lost Zealot from the Highland. Reaking havoc to all of Scotlands foes, he returned peace to the region and decided a retirement of fly fishing in the west was proper. Nowadays, he rafts and fishes the Elk River with his fair maiden singing glory songs of the days of old. He also Knighted Ethan as the Auga Man of the Elk. If you are lucky enough to join this legend on a float you won’t be disappointed with the new found world that he will paint as you explore the river.

Retired River Manager gone Party Shirt Commander… Dan mastered the waters of the Ottawa Valley and fled to the west to share the passion of fashion that is a river guide. If you find yourself at any festival, the best looking guy there is Dan. With a lifetime of river experience, he’s sure there for a good time.

Raised in Golden BC where he first learned to raft and kayak on the Kicking Horse river, Nick came to Fernie as a MAST Student In 2022 and has since stuck around to guide on the rivers here. He loves camping, the outdoors, hockey and country music. When he’s not guiding in Fernie you can find him playing on any other river he can get to!

From New Zealand to Canada, Georgia began her raft guiding career running multiday expedition trips in the land of the Merino. Going on her second summer in Canada, the Elk and Bull Rivers are quickly becoming her new favourites. She has many tricks up her sleeve and a can-do attitude that she brings to the river every day.

Canyon Rafts very own winner of the 2022 most improved award! Kalin was fresh off the boat when we found him, having no previous experience in the river scene. We soon found out that his willingness to learn quickly became a passion for the river, just as everything else he’s pursued. With a big heart and a drive for adventure, Kalin is a true classic go out and get it Alberta Boy.

Escaping the prairies for less flat winters, Logan made his way onto the Cat Crew with Blair at Fernie Alpine Resort. A fellow Saskatchewan boy, he soon joined us in the summers first as a shuttle driver, and now as a guide. With a classic mountain man beard, Logan will have you convinced he’s been on these waters since the beginning of time, and it will be up to you to figure out when he’s smiling under it all.
(Hint, it’s almost always)

Jacob comes to us from Honeywood, Ontario. He spent two seasons guiding on the Ottawa River where he learned all about sunny side down rafts. After a few winter seasons in Fernie, he is staying for the summers now and is turning over a new leaf, not the rafts.
“He is also handsome, funny, and good looking. He likes short walks on the beach and long swims in the canyon.”

Tall Paul comes to us from Coaldale, Alberta. Before he joined the Canyon Raft family, Paul was studying civil engineering and working as a land surveyor. He now spends his winters playing in the snow with explosives, (a.k.a. as a Ski Patroller here in Fernie,) and his off season working part-time as a carpenter. Paul enjoys rock climbing, mountain biking, playing drums, and skiing. Try to find your tallest friend, (preferably a Paul,) to claim his title as tallest one on the river!